主题:【评论】Sun发布了最新的Java版本-- 5.0 Tiger版 -- Highway
Sun achieved record results for the SPECjbb 2000 benchmark (Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation Java Business Benchmark 20001) with JDK 5.0 running on a 2.4GHz Sun Fire V20z server, based on AMD64 Opteron processors. The configuration delivers 59,648 JBB operations per second on the SPECjbb 2000 on a 64-bit two-way system, beating the best previously announced 64-bit two-way system results by 9 percent. Furthermore, the tests indicate Sun has the capacity to support more warehouses than any other two-way system, having demonstrated the ability to support 80 warehouses. This is 10 times the amount typically run on a two-way system.
Sun的这一个记录不是在自己的Sparc 机器 + Soloris操作系统上创造的,而是在AMD芯片的机器上创造的。如果你留意一下就会发现,SPECjbb 2000 单处理器/双处理器的纪录已经被AMD牢牢占领。
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😅【评论】Sun发布了最新的Java版本-- 5.0 Tiger版
Eclipse 3.0 Build 20040715开始支持JDK5 老兵帅客 字2641 2004-07-15 16:56:54
😁Please keep us posted! Highway 字0 2004-07-15 17:26:45
Java 1.5的Boxing/UnBoxing是如何实现的 老兵帅客 字1319 2004-07-01 19:53:47
Java 也support template了? 无斋主人 字24 2004-07-02 16:29:33
Sun将在Java 1.5或者JDK 5.0中提供此Feature 老兵帅客 字418 2004-07-02 18:37:03
Java 1.5的Generic是如何实现的 老兵帅客 字3924 2004-07-01 16:02:37
😮老兵先不忙下结论。也许是DJ的问题呢? Highway 字141 2004-07-01 18:17:24