
主题:「哲瓦在线」:藏独靠美资策反中国网民 -- mandman

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家园 搞错了,是泰晤士报登的。

Wily Tibetan messengers outfox censors of 'Great Firewall' of China外链出处


Sonam and his colleagues can talk to only a tiny fraction of China’s 300 million netizens — who are notoriously nationalistic.

He established his Online Outreach Office in 2006 and now employs 11 people at an annual cost of up to $60,000 (42,775), most of which comes from private donations.Four or five similar projects have been set up since then,

Sometimes Sonam pretends that he is a woman to lure a Chinese man into conversation but mostly he just taps into China’s online political subculture.

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