主题:看的时候要严肃一点啊 -- 老广
- Its sick and it makes me wanna puke! Go fxxk yourselves!
- If there will be any decency in the world in, say, 50 years, this video will be put in the same category as German and Italian propaganda films in the 1930s.
- It totally needed the line "I'm gonna love you all night long with my "missile.
- Dinga Dinga Dee, Dinga Dinga Dee, Dinga Dinga Dee 。。。
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂哈哈,很适合老马丁教授用来出题猜广告目的 strain2 字0 2009-09-28 10:10:38
🙂这歌挺好听的,乐死我了 陈经 字155 2009-04-20 20:04:14
🙂倒是蛮有创意的 鸥盟 字70 2009-04-20 01:46:35
🙂前段时间河里有人发过了 菠萝蜜 字0 2009-04-18 05:16:22
🙂很雷人啊。这哥们的评价很形象。印度妞的调让我 秦锋无敌 字233 2009-04-18 03:18:05
🙂怎么感觉都是群众演员。。。 二十出头 字30 2009-04-16 19:34:40
🙂很黄 结构力学 字0 2009-04-16 15:21:14