
主题:【原创】美国的核武库——从零到九十 -- 北京阿新

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家园 谢谢。看上去美国人是放弃了,不知为何又找到了,


Potential threat

In 2001, the United States Air Force conducted a study to determine whether the bomb posed a threat to residents of the surrounding area. The study concluded that the bomb does not pose a significant threat because it is missing the nuclear capsule. The bomber pilot maintains that the weapon did not have the nuclear capsule when he took off. The Air Force says with certainty that the bomb contains conventional explosives and highly enriched uranium, which could pose an environmental or proliferation threat. The Air Force determined that it was prudent to leave the bomb entombed in mud at the bottom of the sea floor rather than disturb it and risk the potential of detonation or contamination.



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