主题:意大利两周游提纲 -- Parsifa

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The European Union has unified visa policy as part of the Schengen acquis. A number of EU member states do not participate in this policy, notably including Ireland and the United Kingdom, and thus maintain independent immigration policies with respect to non-EU states.

你在澳大利亚? 公民免签证. 看来你持中国护照, 如有相当于美国绿卡身份, 应可在居住地办Schengen签证.

美国的情况是公民免签(90天), 绿卡持有者(中国公民)去Schengen签证国领馆办Schengen签证立等可取(交手续费, 网上打申请表, 提供旅行计划). 去哪个国家的领馆, 看你旅行计划的重点(或入境国).

详情可参照当地领馆签证网页上的要求.注意护照有效期. 另外英国不在Schengen签证之列, 瑞士刚加入.

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