
主题:【原创】美国的无罪辩护(四) -- 本嘉明

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家园 some added comments


--Actually, more than 100 years now. Keep in mind, up till 1870, Anglo's main enemy in Europe was France, NOT Germany.

BTW, I can feel the anti-Jewish resentment simmering now even in the New England. Hopefully, American elites do not break up this century-old alliance.That will spell end of Pax Americana.


---German elites had informal alliance with Jewish elites during late 19th century. The pity is that Germans chose to drive Jews into the Anglo camps and prepared their own defeat.


--Bush Jr.'s policy(actually, should be "Cheney's policy". Everybody knew the policy is not necessarily wrong, but the implementation is ineffective.

--America's major problem: use fiscal and monetary policies to support unrealistic expectation of rising living standards. Lack of investment in long-term productivity growth. America's prospect depends on new technological breakthrough.


--What some Americans called "the birth of anti-Christ".


--First, different nations are different in terms of level of potential crisis.

Germany: Germans are in firm control. No opportunities in any decent professions for non-Germans(including Asians). Unorganized muslims can create turmoil, but could not systematically change the society.

--same as in Holland, Belgium

Spain: historically a peaceful compromise between two groups. Many Spaniards have Moorish blood. I do not expect crash because you can not fight your grandpa.

France/UK: trouble spots for the future.

You see no presence of those Muslim power in the European Parliament/European Commission despite its high population percentage.Even the next 30 years, I will not expect to see changes--so they can create random turmoils, but there are core of leadership.


---Germans are never afraid of using violence to strike fear in Turks' heart. Every year, they burned down the houses of some Turks. That sent clear and brutal messages.



--France deserted catholicism long time ago. Pussy, sensational, and hypocritical Frenchmen just keep some mask of catholicism there. Spaniards had bad experience under Franco's rule. Church is in their life, but not something they care so much.

It is a war of living space, with a mask of religion.


--Depends. I do not expect Germans to be the same.


--Europeans are bunch of hypocrites. They said A and did B. And then they protended to be moral teachers for others.


---Sunni vs. Shi'ate? European muslims are not homogeneous with Persian muslims, right?


--^-^. 于我心有戚戚焉.

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