
主题:新闻二则有感 -- 晨枫

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家园 那么请你看看Harvard College 和

Yale College 的课程安排。harvard 的本科生必须在前几个学期修习占总课程35%左右的general education,基本从第四学期开始才进行concentration的修习。yale college 要求也相当:

“Students are required to take no fewer than two course credits in the humanities and arts, two course credits in the sciences, and two course credits in the social sciences. In addition to completing courses in these disciplinary areas, students must fulfill skills requirements by taking two course credits in quantitative reasoning, two course credits in writing, and courses to further their foreign language proficiency. Depending on their level of accomplishment in foreign languages at matriculation, students may fulfill this last requirement with one, two, or three courses or by a combination of course work and approved study abroad.”

其他美国公立名校很多也有类似的要求,即使是工程专业也一般需要完成18个课时以上的人文、社科选修课(general education)以开阔视野。这些都是通识(博雅)教育的影响,也就是文理兼通,拓展知识面。不至于都是炮灰学生。

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