
主题:【文摘】Hash在今天,安全不安全?(英文) -- 老兵帅客

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家园 【文摘】Hash在今天,安全不安全?(英文)

I originally intended this message as a clarification to the confusion expressed, or reflected, by many of the msgs to this list regarding the applicability of the new collision-finding results to HMAC with MD5 and SHA-1. I am not sure it will really help but I'll send it anyway. Try it at your own risk :) 【八阕:PopYard.Org】

In general MD5 and SHA-1 are used for MANY applications each with a different set of assumptions on these functions. The main application (in the sense that this is what these functions were defined for initially) is for collision resistance. This poperty is important for providing non-repudiation guarantees in the setting of digital signatures, but is not essential for authentication-only uses of signatures (such as in the signature mode of IKE). Yet, I would say that as a general principle, any hash function that is strongly suspected to be weak in regards to collision resistance should be abandoned for all uses of signatures. The reason is that it is not always easy to make a general determination as whether an application assumes non-repudiation or not. In particular, I would strongly discourage using these functions with digital certificates.

MD5 should have been in the above category of "must abandon" (for signature applications!) for the past 10 years or so since Hans Dobbertin showed that MD5 has very WEAK collision resistance properties. The latest results rather than shaking our confidence on MD5, should serve to shake the 9-years old MD5's coffin (I know many ignored its death, and in that sense this last nail may help...)

Now, all of this is irrelevant to the use of MD5 or SHA-1 in the context of HMAC. The properties required from these functions in the HMAC context are very different. In particular, known collisions (for KNOWN IVs) in the underlying hash functions are IRRLEVANT to the security of HMAC. In the case of HMAC-MD5, for example, there is no known weakness in its use for HMAC even though, as said, the function is dead as collision resistant for almost 10 years.

Moreover, the break of MD5 by Dobbertin in 1995 not only did not break the use of HMAC with MD5 but actually contributed to the adoption of HMAC as it served to highlight HMAC's careful design that avoided any reliance on collision resistance with known IVs.

The only relevance of collisions in the case of HMAC is when such collisions can be found even when the IV keeps changing and is SECRET. None of the known results (old and new) can find such collisions better than through exhaustive search. And even if some shortcut is eventually found (say, one in which finding a collision with a secret IV takes 2^50 trials for MD5

rather than 2^64), these attacks would probably still need such a number (2^50) of applications of HMAC by the legal holder of the key and under the same key on 2^50 different inputs!

Am I hinting that HMAC-MD5, for example, will never be broken? Not at all. The point is that the type of cryptanalysis required against MD5 in the context of HMAC is very different than collision resistance. This is true also in the other direction: it can perfectly be the case that certain functions (say SHA-1) be broken one day for use with HMAC but still be perfectly secure for collision resistance. As an example, for applications that use HMAC as a PRF, it would be enough to show that the 7th bit of SHA-1 when computed with random IVs in some set of chosen inputs is significantly biased from 1/2. (For uses as MAC a break is much harder.)

Bottom line: there is nothing today that calls into question the uses of SHA-1 and MD5 with HMAC. I have always recommended using SHA-1 as a more robust function in general and leaving MD5 only for the cases that its relative speed (double that of SHA-1) is a REAL issue. As far as I've seen so far, this may be the case only when HMAC is used (as originally intended) as a MAC function. In this case, applying HMAC to each piece of inxxxxation that is transmitted in a session presents a perxxxxance issue (however, even in this case, if encryption is also perxxxxed on the data then the relative

speed advantage of MD5 vs SHA-1 is quite lost). On the other hand, when HMAC is used as a PRF (as in the case of TLS handshake and IKE key derivation) then MD5's better perxxxxance is irrelevant.

Indeed, these protcols use a handful of calls to these functions per connection establishment (a negligible amount of operations, especially when PK operations are involved too).

[Another reason to be more conservative with the use of HMAC for PRF is that these uses, for example for key derivation, usually require security also after the use, as opposed to MAC functions whose security is relevant only at the time of use.]

In other words, at this point there is no room for panic. Of course, this is a good reminder for the shaky security of our basic primitives and for the need to design protocols in an algorithm-independent way. And is certainly a good time to take a minute of silence for the long-dead collision resistance of MD5.

HMAC with SHA-1, and even MD5, can be used with careful confidence until the next cryptanalysis wave (some hope for an interesting Crypto'2005 :)


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