
主题:今天收到了俺的Kindle 2 -- 豆扑

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家园 今天收到了俺的Kindle 2


美中不足的是在德国能从Kindle store能买到的内容少好多,多半新书都没有,而影响最大的几份报纸在德国价格直接翻番(NYT美国kindle价14,99美元每月,在德国订要27,99美元)。但是无论如何,要说起内容的话,不信亚马逊又能信谁呢?


Good news! Due to strong customer demand for our newest Kindle with U.S. and international wireless, we are consolidating our family of 6" Kindles. As part of this consolidation, we are lowering the price of the Kindle you just purchased from $279 down to $259. You don't need to do anything to get the lower price--we are automatically issuing you a $20 refund. This refund should be processed in the next few days and will appear as a credit on your next billing statement.

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