
主题:陈竺出面推H1N1疫苗,但本地医生自己也好像不愿意打 -- AK545

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家园 格林-巴利症候群,罕见但严重的流感疫苗负作用



由于那种疫苗的副作用,后来500多人发展成为桂兰-巴尔综合症(Guillain-Barre syndrome),25人死亡。可是根据疾病防治中心(CDC)的资料,而原来估计可能造成美国超过5000万人生病的甲型H1N1型流感却没有爆发,全国最终只有200例甲型H1N1型流感,1人死亡。

以下引自英文Wiki 外链出处

GBS may be a rare side-effect of influenza vaccines, with an incidence of about one case per million vaccinations.[10] There were indeed reports of GBS affecting about 500 people who had received swine flu immunizations in the 1976 U.S. outbreak of swine flu — 25 of which resulted in death from severe pulmonary complications, leading the government to end that immunization campaign[11]. However, the role of the vaccine in these cases has remained unclear, partly because GBS had an unknown but very low incidence rate in the general population making it difficult to assess whether the vaccine was really increasing the risk for GBS. Later research have concluded to the absence of or to very small increase in the GBS risk due to the 1976 swine flu vaccine[12]. Besides the GBS may not have been directly due to the vaccine but to a bacterial contamination of the vaccine that triggered GBS.[13]

Since 1976, other influenza vaccines have not been linked to GBS, though as a precautionary principle caution is advised for certain individuals, particularly those with a history of GBS.[14][15]

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