主题:【IT新闻】火狐“火”起来了,渐渐对IE构成威胁。 -- Highway
Tabbed Browsing就不说了,是netscape/mozilla系列的老牌特色,对我已经不可或缺了,看新闻/图片时刷刷一口气点开来几十页在后台自动调入,多爽。不过好象现在有些以IE为内核的浏览器也在模仿这个了。
Popup Blocking现在也不算希奇了,很多工具有。
下面这两个新特性倒是没料到的,特别是RSS feeds,看新闻/weblog很有用,省得我装其他工具了。
# Security improvements: the new release provides additional protection to users against spoofing attacks, the practice of tricking users into believing they are on a trusted site when they are not. When a user visits a secure site, Firefox now highlights the web site address and clearly displays the name of the web site. Firefox also includes a number of other security improvements and fixes, several of which were identified as part of the Mozilla Foundation's new Security Bug Bounty Program.
# Live Bookmarks, which help users discover a new dimension to the web by allowing them to create bookmarks that display dynamically updated content such as news headlines. Live Bookmarks let users view RSS feeds, a technology that web content providers use to easily create and disseminate news headlines and summaries. RSS feeds are offered by thousands of sites, including Yahoo News, BBC.co.uk, CNET News.com and most weblogs.
也要提一下对应的email client,Thunderbird,其中的垃圾邮件过滤器是我现在见过的最好用的和准确性最高的。头几天有一个training的过程,手动纠正了几个,后来到现在就从来没分错过。比我们server端的spamassassin强多了。背后所用的技术,其实还只是machine learning中很粗浅的东西,所以,我对战胜spam信心很足。
微软什么时候能赶得上?看看它的hotmail吧,该删的不删,不该删的倒删了。而且,做web mail的本来应该有一个天然的优势,因为垃圾邮件都是群发的,所以他们那里判断垃圾邮件应该尤其容易。真不知道他们脑子怎么长的。
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【IT新闻】火狐“火”起来了,渐渐对IE构成威胁。 Highway 字3630 2004-09-16 08:35:54
🙂明天重装系统后,我也启用这个东东!与时俱进了... 午夜的星空 字0 2004-09-17 07:54:04
😁稀里糊涂赶了个时髦,居然我用的也是FIREFOX,哈哈。 Chieftain 字0 2004-09-16 13:37:03
Tabbed Browsing和Download Manager IE的下一 Highway 字284 2004-09-16 13:06:40
个人目前比较推荐firefox。因为它支持w3c的标准。IE有些自己搞的东西 铁手 字0 2004-09-16 09:30:50
【文摘】Firefox浏览器异军突起 微软IE面临严峻挑战 林小筑 字1871 2004-09-16 09:11:50
我就用这个,感觉还是比IE慢 梦里依稀 字0 2004-09-16 08:40:55