
主题:Apple最新的动作在河里没啥反响啊 -- 西格弗里德

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家园 今天看到两篇文章对iphone killer有很好的说明



The Problem With iPhone Killers…

Repeat after me: Android is trying to kill Windows Mobile, not the iPhone.

iPhone Killers, Blackberries and Chicken Part

Android vs. iPhone: Why Openness May Not Be Best

最后一文中,最让我赞同是这两段,也是我在河里说过的,与PC不同,在mobile platform上,proprietary 有时是一种优势。

There’s one small fly in the ointment, however. While device makers can do pretty much “anything” with an open platform, in order to deliver a superior user experience, Google will either have to take on the burden of supporting “anything” or set limits on what will work on any particular instantiation of the platform.

Of course, setting limits makes Android less open, reducing leverage across the entire ecosystem. It’s a problem for all open source platforms, and as an old embedded systems guy, I can tell you that all the issues are only magnified with mobile devices. Why? Because performance, reliability and user experience really matter with mobile devices, making integration key, which is a conundrum for the open source approach.

The reality is that openness is just an attribute -– it’s not an outcome, and customers buy outcomes. They want the entire solution and they want it to work predictability. Only a tiny minority actually cares about how or why it works. It’s little wonder, then, that the two device families that have won the hearts, minds and pocketbooks of consumers, developers and service providers alike (i.e., BlackBerry and iPhone) are the most deeply integrated from a hardware, software and service layer perspective.

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