
主题:今天招待印度总理的国宴菜单 -- 中关村88楼

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家园 今天招待印度总理的国宴菜单

First 开胃菜

Potato and Eggplant Salad 土豆茄子沙拉

White House Arugula with Onion Seed Vinaigrette 白宫自产的芝麻加洋葱种子香醋

2008 Sauvignon Blanc, Modus Operandi, Napa 加州纳帕红葡

Red Lentil Soup with Fresh Cheese 鲜酪红扁豆汤

2006 Reisling, Brooks “Ara”, Wilamette Valley, Oregon 俄勒冈州雷司令

Entree 素食主菜

Roasted Potato Dumplings 烤土豆馅饺子配番茄酸辣酱

with Tomato Chutney

Chick Peas and Okra 鹰嘴豆配黄秋葵


Green Curry Prawns 绿咖哩大虾

Caramelized Salsify

with smoked Collard Greens 焦糖婆罗门参配甘蓝和椰香巴斯马蒂米饭

and Coconut Aged Basmati

2007 Granache, Beckman Vineyards, Santa Ynez, CA 加州白葡

Dessert 甜点

Pumpkin Pie Tart 南瓜派

Pear Tatin 香梨旦塔配奶油和焦糖酱

Whipped Cream and Caramel Sauce

Sparkling Chardonnay, Thibaut Janisso Brut, Monticello, Virginia


Petis Fours and Coffee

Cashew Brittle

Pecan Pralines

Passion Fruit and Vanilla Glaces

Chocolate-Dipped Fruit

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