
主题:【原创】韩德彩击落费席尔的补充细节 -- 侧翼

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家园 费席尔说:我是被白色飞机击落的?

It was only in later life (他说:我是被白色飞机击落的。) that Col. Fischer found out that Chinese ace Han Decai was credited with shooting him down in 1953. "When I found out that Han had been given credit for me, I tried to contact him through Chinese embassies," Col. Fischer said. "In 1996, I joined a group of [World War II-era] Flying Tiger pilots who had been invited to visit China. There, I met General Han and presented him with an F-86 model (费席尔把摆在自己办公室桌子上几十年的飞机模型送给了韩德彩。那是当年费席尔父亲给费席尔的礼物). We've met again since then. And we have become friends."


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