
主题:大英帝国的进一步沉沦不可避免. -- wolfgan

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家园 my summary

Germany is export-oriented China without a housing bubble--safest. Only concern: those SOB Euro partners such as Greece, Italy who might sink the Euro boat.

France: dirgiste system with a strong gov. intervention. Never enjoy much benefits from the IT boom and the 2003-2007 global cycle, thus will not be hurt too much from doom. A balanced economy without a dying manufacturing sector. But its welfare system puts a chronical burden on its budget--always in deficit for the last 10 years.

Britain: even the sun-never-set empire has its sunset time. Pound will depreciate a lot in near future. National budget is a nightmare. The financial sector's trouble is not over yet. 大英帝国的进一步沉沦不可避免.

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