主题:【原创】如何看待Cochrane Reivews-- 送 -- 虽远必诛
还是谈这篇Cochrane Reviews: Chinese medicinal herbs for the common cold
先看看这篇文章的检索范围:Electronic searches
We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
(CENTRAL) (TheCochrane Library 2008, issue 2) which contains
the Cochrane Acute Respiratory Infections Group’s Specialised
Register; MEDLINE (1966 to May 2008); EMBASE (1980 to
May 2008); AMED(1985 toMay 2008); the Chinese Biomedical
Database (CBMdisc) (1978 to May 2008); and China National
Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) (1994 to May 2008).
The MEDLINE search strategy is shown below. We combined
theMEDLINE search string with the highly sensitive search strategy
(Dickersin 1994). See Appendix 1 for the CENTRAL search
strategy. The search string was adapted for EMBASE, AMED, the
Chinese Biomedical Database and China National Knowledge Infrastructure
1 exp Common cold/
2 common cold.mp.
3 exp Rhinovirus/
4 rhinovirus$.mp.
5 (upper respiratory tract infection$ or URTI).mp.
6 (upper respiratory infection$ or URI).mp.
7 or/1-6
8 exp Medicine, Chinese Traditional/
9 exp Drugs, Chinese Herbal/
10 herbal medic$.mp.
11 medicinal herb$.mp.
12 chinese herb$.mp.
13 chinese medic$.mp.
14 or/8-13
15 7 and 14
Six review authors (WT, ZX, ZJ, XLX, QY, LG) performed the
searches and retrieved articles.
We successfully contacted 365 trial authors by telephone.Of these
trials, 302 were excluded, either because the trial authors misunderstood
true random allocation or the trial reports were multiple
versions of same study (see the ’Characteristics of excluded studies’
table), of those, 67 were additional studies later excluded in this
updated version of review.
One hundred and nine are listed in the ’Studies awaiting classification’
section. One of these studies, for example, assessed an
intervention containing ’Yuxincao’, a drug which the State Food
and Drug Administration (SFDA) stopped production of, due to
unclear adverse events. Other trials are allocated to this section
as we could not locate the original trial authors to identify the
randomisation method.
Seventeen studies were identified as true RCTs and fulfilled our
inclusion criteria
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🙂【原创】如何看待Cochrane Reivews-- 送
🙂中药明细二 5 虽远必诛 字1826 2009-12-30 14:19:55
🙂中医专家说了 可爱的中国 字165 2009-12-30 18:17:19
🙂都用些什么中药? 5 虽远必诛 字2056 2009-12-30 14:02:39
🙂2 被枪毙的试验 26 虽远必诛 字4576 2009-12-27 16:46:05
🙂最近光看您给大家扫盲了 1 麦片 字41 2009-12-30 12:28:41
🙂谢谢关心,还在忙手续。 1 虽远必诛 字215 2009-12-30 12:32:39
🙂呵呵 大夫辛苦啦 麦片 字0 2009-12-30 16:43:16