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主题:【文摘】中国处死阿克毛 英媒叫嚣对中使用“炮舰外交” -- 九庆
Akmal Shaikh: China has failed to live up to its civilised aspirations
We are long past gunboat diplomacy. But the EU, if it is to mean anything on the world stage, must condemn the Chinese government in the strongest possible terms and impose trade sanctions that are significant and hurtful, until China brings its legislature into line with European criminal sentencing.
这位老兄还真敢说 gunboat,如今这个词还真少见,一般是应该说 人权 自由民主 竞选等等正常用语码,不过他颇具“喜剧”天才的感觉,可参见抗议处决毒犯 英妓女拒接中国客。另外该《每日电讯报》的文章有四百多人跟贴:
The sooner we reintroduce the death penalty here in the UK, the sooner we can start to remove the issues around the loss of a civil society with suitable penalities for criminals – insane or otherwise – for the benefit of our society.
This blog is the biggest waste of space – Mr Pitcher, your liberal views paint a picture of you that is far from flattering.
I have the utmost faith in the Chinese Government’s ability to remove the criminal scum from society (although they can at times be a little harsh) and I would like to extend my thanks to them in advance.
It is a pity Mr Johnson is not so concerned about the white, middle class, British Subject, who is not being given the full weight of the British civil service or Government calling for clemency from our trusted friends in America.
Shame on our British Government for it’s hypocrisy – do aliens on databases seem more serious than 4kg’s of heroin on our streets and the issues around the social implications of this.