
主题:同学们,演出开始了哈 -- 要你命3k

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家园 同学们,演出开始了哈

Yahoo! 1月21好报道了一起凶杀案,目标直指TG,俺读了一哈,觉得生活在TG统治下的中国人民,简直比受灾中的海地人民还惨!是不是春天又到了? 这邦精蝇纷纷破蛹而出,开始大吃免煮面,然后喷粪。。。。

中文版的案子俺还没挖到,但是结合最近GOOGLE,比较敏感的政治环境, 到这个直挖TG墙脚的报道,米蒂的反攻倒算开始了么?大家做好准备哈。。。有空哪个给翻译一哈。

China teen seen as hero for killing local official

By GILLIAN WONG, Associated Press Writer Gillian Wong, Associated Press Writer – Thu Jan 21, 10:07 am ET

BEIJING – When Li Shiming was stabbed through the heart by a hired assassin, few of his fellow villagers mourned the local Communist Party official many say made their lives hell by seizing land, extorting money and bullying people for years.

Instead, villagers in the northern town of Xiashuixi have made Li's teenage killer something of a local hero. More than 20,000 people from the coal-mining area petitioned a court for a lenient sentence.

"I didn't feel surprised at all when I heard Li Shiming was killed, because people wanted to kill him a long time ago," said villager Xin Xiaomei, who says her husband was harassed for years by Li after the two men had a personal dispute. "I wanted to kill Li myself, but I was too weak."

The murder trial has again cast a harsh light on abuses of power by communist cadres and the frustration many ordinary Chinese feel with a one-party system that sometimes allows officials to run their districts like personal fiefdoms.

China's leaders have identified corruption as a threat to the country's progress, but an opaque political system dominated by the ruling Communist Party — which brooks no dissent — and the lack of an independent judiciary contribute to the problem.



Associated Press researchers Xi Yue and Yu Bing contributed to this report.


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