
主题:【原创】达沃斯之死-The Death of Davos -- 春风无度

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家园 【原创】达沃斯之死-The Death of Davos

BusinessWeek今天的文章,下个月的达沃斯经济论坛会难有结果,全球化西方不愿意进行下去了。他们想要修改游戏规则,现在的游戏规则对西方来说有利的东西越来越少了,中国一定要参与进去,不要允许他们修改游戏规则(因为修改游戏规则总是有利于修改者的,不然重改),就像在 哥本哈根 那样,规则不利于中国就要捣乱。这个需要技巧,需要人才,在理论上,在舆论上,还有在策略上进行攻击和防御,为中国的经济发展赢得时间和空间。

While globalization has clearly improved the lives of millions of Chinese, we can now see that it has also led to the immiseration of millions of middle class and poor Americans.


The theory that efficient markets within a free trade system would benefit ALL participants is now proven wrong.


Let’s check the metrics. Peel back the huge debt and asset inflation (as the Great Recession has) that drove economic growth and prosperity for the past 20 years and you find this: real US family income has not grown in two decades and is down 4% for the past 10 years. Real earnings of full-time US workers with Ph.ds has fallen by 10% since 1990. The US trade surplus of high tech products has been falling for nearly 20 years and turned into an actual deficit—now running at $8 billion a month—that is getting worse. The US stock market, that measure of corporate growth and economic prosperity, has stagnated for well over a decade. Today, one out of 8 Americans is on government food stamps and nearly 20% of working age Americans are unemployed, underemployed or so discouraged they’ve left the work force.


Then there is inequality. The populist rage that is upending politics in the US is a reaction, in large part, to the widening inequality that globalization has brought to the West. Income inequality has widened sharply since the 1970s—as globalization began to pick up speed. A huge portion of the profits generated by global banks and corporations have been captured by none other than Davos Man, the top 1% of society.


Alas, it's too late. I went to the World Economic Forum for 12 years. I enjoyed the networking, the learning and the partying. But I won't be going back to Davos next week. Davos Man has nothing left to say.


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