
主题:欧洲没有言论自由 - 荷兰议员被起诉。 -- 春风无度

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家园 一个荷兰人的回复。

一个荷兰人的回复: http://www.politicalforum.com/latest-world-news/111328-dutch-try-anti-muslim-fascist-wilders-2.html

This is just another attempt of our left wing to get rid of an right wingopponent. They do everything to hold power, Pim Fortuyn was shot by an leftwing extremist and now the left is sueing Geert Wilders for making fitna and comparing the Koran to Mein Kampf.

The funny part of the left wing is that they tried for decades for our society to let go of Christianity but now they are embracing the islam to get their votes and hold on to power.

Geert Wilders will overcome this and this is already backfiring on our goverment and the polls are in favor of Geert Wilders. It is impossible that we have hate preachers that walk free and accept a politician that says the koran is a dangerous book is going to be convicted.The Dutch public will not stand for that and the polls and reactions to

this trial is proof of that and the left wing judge that have accepted this case(it was first rejected by a previous judge) has made a huge mistake.

We will see if he gets convicted or not, but seeing the aftermath we already now that it is a bad idea to put a politician on trial for his political ideas, the palestinians have voted for Hamas and we didnt see our muslims complain about that and we certainly didnt see palestinians putting Hamas on trial. But if you name Geert Wilders then all our muslims are upset.


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