
主题:【原创】 圣诞炸弹对美国意味着什么? -- 晨枫

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Bin Laden Claims Detroit Plane Plot in Jazeera Tape


Jan. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the failed attempt to blow up a U.S. airliner on Dec. 25 and vowed more attacks, in audio comments broadcast by al-Jazeera television today.

“God willing, our raids on you will continue as long as your support for the Israelis continues,” the recording said. Bin Laden said in the taped comments that his message was intended for U.S. President Barack Obama. He also praised Nigerian national Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who is facing trial over the Detroit bomb plot, as a “hero and mujahid,” or Islamic fighter.

“America won’t dream of security until we live that security as a reality in Palestine,” the al-Qaeda leader was heard saying in the broadcast, linking Abdulmutallab to the “heroes of 9/11.” The authenticity of the recording couldn’t immediately be verified.


The White House said it couldn’t confirm the authenticity of the tape. “We have no independent confirmation that that is in fact his voice,” presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett said today on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “The president is committed to going after al-Qaeda and all of its affiliates and bringing them to justice.”


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