
主题:转载:one example of GDP Development: 苏州GDP神话的阴影 -- snowbean

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家园 Not sure what u r talking about:


GDP is the quantiy of economical activity,it is from manufacturing factors; on the other hand, we should get the quantity the revenue. GDP=Income.

In Income part, we have salary,interest,rents,profits,etc.

In Su Zhou case, what we can see is that Suzhou produce a lot, but get a low level of revenue(Salary to worker,profits to companies,etc.) .

What Su Zhou is doing, just helping Foreign companies grab money from Chinese people. Eevn FDI will provoke the local industries, but such effect is limited, because many of FDI just are put into the low class industries, into low tech, low added-value products---As u mentioned.

Such kind of development, will not last, if Suzhou can not develop its own high tech, high added-value industries.

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