
主题:【原创】新年政治经济展望之二:中美博弈(一) -- 井底望天

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家园 以及买西班牙和希腊的国债,都不失一个好的方法

too early.

If you wait for your enemy to be weak enough, you can get much better deal terms than you can get now.

Let Greece bankrupts first. If EU disintegrates and turns into turmoil as today's Russia, you can get BOTH TALENTS AND technology at a much much cheaper price. And people will beg you then.

That's how America got the best deals in the post-WWII world. If UK was not depleted by the WWII and Germany/France were not completely destroyed by the war, do you think they would allow America to be so dominant in IMF and WorldBank? Would USD be the only link to gold after WWII?

America wants Euro to die, why YOU WANT to step in the middle and helps a potential enemy? Look at what France did in 2008 during the Olympics torch parade, don't you feel humiliated enough?

Do not help hypocrites and a united EU is always China's geopolitical adversary. A divided and broken EU is the target.

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