
主题:【文摘】欧洲透支消费成风 信用债务反超美国 -- 西风陶陶

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家园 I think more and more market participants will

talk up India, in particularly so if the weather works for its favor. On one hand, you will get more visible China slowdown; on the other hand, Indians are always trying to seize the opportunity to market itself. In short, India likely will be another China-like euphoria next year.

Commodities are still good plays, in particularly so if (1) World economy grows stronger than expected; (2) U.S. current account deficits worsen further to trigger depreciation fear; and (3) geopolitical tensions further heighten, say in Iraq, North Korea, Iran or across the Taiwan strait. In that case, commoditiy currencies like AUD may yield good return as well. Southeast Asian RMB bloc likely will appreciate modestly, say some 3-5% by the end of 2005.

There also may be some opportunities in central and eastern european as well.

All bull shits - so don't take it seriously.

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