主题:求助:哪位老大知道Linux自动重起是咋回事? -- thunder
共:💬11 🌺1
it was running ok for almost a year, and just in last week a program was running for 7 days occupying all the processors. it rebooted ok whenever a kernel update required it (last kernel required reboot was about a month ago). heard of virus can cause windows to reboot repeatedly. if this is what's happening to the Linux box ...
i'll check on the updates you suggested. thanks again!
- 相关回复 上下关系4
😨woops, there's two libc.a/libc.so thunder 字299 2004-10-23 17:19:01
老大,i'm now quite shy for the following info thunder 字989 2004-10-23 17:13:23
😉Linux我是外行。但一般而言,一个OS Reboot不外乎3个原因 Highway 字386 2004-10-23 10:10:15
Thanks!!! But,