
主题:韩国人的无耻还有极限吗? -- iwgl

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家园 小树丛的查不到..奥巴马去年的是用lunar的


"I send my warmest wishes to people across Asia, in America, and indeed around the world who are celebrating the Lunar New Year and welcoming the Year of the Ox. As they gather with their families and celebrate over meals, they welcome new beginnings and honor the enduring wisdom of their ancestors.


我在白宫网站搜了"Chinese New Year"。结果这个词只在某senior advicer的在白宫网站上的博客文章中有。此人前天在温哥华与运动员到中国餐厅吃饭时用了“Chinese New Year”这几个字。嗯,十分政治不正确!

At the end of the day, Ambassador David Jacobson and his wife Julie, joined Olympic champions Peggy Fleming, Vonetta Flowers and Mike Eruzione, and I for a closing dinner at Lok's Chinese restaurant to help celebrate the Chinese New Year and an incredible visit to the Olympic Games.


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