
主题:【原创】是我太乐观,还是社会太悲观 -- 月色溶溶

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家园 key point


--when one is in States, one can easily understand that point.

Output is an function of labor input, capital input, managerial input and political infrastructure. Developed nations excel on the last 3 and most Asians excel ONLY on the first one.

When one is old enough, he or she can easily understand 作为一个社会整体,其成员的整体处境和其成员的整体努力程度关系不大,That's why Asia as a whole still lag behind US and Europe.

The terrible thing about America is that US excel on all 4 dimensions. Some Chinese still believe that Americans are lazy than them...hehe. What they see are the low-class labor, not the elite group in the professional industries.

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