主题:【注意】hotmail and gmail 消息 -- 同学
共:💬5 🌺16
Since August this year?
I can still access Hotmail through Outlook or Outlook Express. No problem at all. I don't know when Micosoft will really cut it off.
Never tried Gmail. I already got too many email account!
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😅【注意】hotmail and gmail 消息 16 同学 字662 2004-11-18 11:09:57
😉My hotmail mailbox has been 250MB for several months.
😠为什么我的hotmail还是2m ktoya 字26 2004-11-22 17:39:35
😁也许是你长得不够帅? Highway 字176 2004-11-22 19:26:09
😉刚烫一卷发 ktoya 字129 2004-11-22 23:31:56