
主题:【原创】新年政治经济展望之四:金融资本(一) -- 井底望天

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Google's decision signals change in Western businesses' approach to China


By John Pomfret

Washington Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


BEIJING -- The showdown between Google and the world's most populous country marks a turning point in one of the great alliances of the late 20th century -- the bond between Western capitalists and Beijing's authoritarian system.


After Google's audacious decision to confront China over the issue of censorship, officials here insisted Tuesday that the Internet giant's case was an isolated one and would not affect China's opening to the West or its market-oriented reforms.


But Western businesspeople said the episode had underscored a broader sea change in how U.S. and European companies deal with the government here. More specifically, they said, Western businesses have begun to push back openly against China.


In announcing Monday that it would stop censoring results on its Chinese site, Google acknowledged that it was "well aware" that the Beijing government "could at any time block access to our services." But the company also made clear that such an outcome would be better than having to censor itself any longer.


Although China has not yet taken any draconian action against Google or its employees, it has started censoring results for sensitive searches in China on Google's Hong Kong-based Web site, where its users on the mainland have been redirected. (Hong Kong users could see uncensored results.)


There were also signs that China wants to punish Google in other ways. On Tuesday, a Hong Kong-based Internet company, TOM Online, announced that it had stopped using Google's search tools. TOM is owned by the family of Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong's richest man and a supporter of the Communist government. Meanwhile, analysts said two major state-owned mobile phone companies on the mainland, China Mobile, with 500 million users, and China Unicom, China's second biggest, were rethinking deals with Google.


Analysts say that China's willingness to stand up to Western firms is a consequence of its meteoric economic rise. The government doesn't need Westerners' investment as much as it once did, and it is increasingly bald-faced about its desire to acquire their technology.


"The Google affair is both catalyst and evidence of change," said Arthur Kroeber, managing director of Dragonomics, a Beijing-based economics firm. "We are at a turning point. It had been very, very unusual for foreign business to say anything too negative about China because the opportunities here were too large."

“谷歌事件既是改变的证据也是催化剂,” Arthur Kroeber ,Dragonomics(龙洲经讯,一个北京的经济公司)的常务董事说,“我们处于一个转折点。对于外国公司来说发表针对中国的不利言论非同寻常,因为这里的机会太大了。”

Indeed, for decades, Western businesses have been Beijing's closest friends. When Congress railed against China over human rights issues and threatened to revoke its most-favored-nation trading status in the 1990s, the American Chamber of Commerce in China and other groups flocked to Washington to state Beijing's case. The last major Western company to openly confront the Chinese government was Levi Strauss, which withdrew from the country over what it called China's "pervasive violation of human rights."

实际上,数十年来,西方商人都是北京的最亲密朋友。当国会指责中国人权问题并于90年代威胁取消最惠国待遇时,中国美国商会及其他组织就涌向华盛顿声援北京。最后一个公开反对中国政府的西方公司是Levi Strauss(levis牛仔裤),他撤出中国宣称是由于“中国普遍存在的人权问题”。(译者注:1993年的时候买这个牛仔裤的还没有多少人吧,08年又滚回来了。)

But more recently, Western businesses have begun to voice concerns about their treatment in China. The European Chamber of Commerce has issued reports over the past several years that say China's business environment is deteriorating. One report accused China of embracing "economic nationalism"; another said China had effectively halted economic reform.


"In 2009, China was one of only two major growth markets in the world, but the door here isn't opening wider, it's narrowing," said the chamber's president, Joerg Wuttke. "China talks about opening up, but in fact local implementation is not just really bad, it's worsening."

“2009年,中国是世界上两个主要增长市场之一,但是这里的大门并不是更加敞开,而是逐渐缩小,”商会主席Joerg Wuttke说,“中国谈论开放,但是实际上当地的实施不仅仅是糟糕,实际是日益恶化。”

Even the American Chamber of Commerce in China, which has long been a friendly venue for the Chinese government, has gotten into the act. On Monday, it issued a report that said business confidence among 203 members surveyed was at its lowest point since polling began four years ago.


And in December, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington took the unprecedented step of organizing a joint letter, signed by 33 business associations from around the world, criticizing China for a plan that would force foreign companies to hand over their prized intellectual property and trademarks to China if they wanted to keep selling goods here.


Joe Studwell, an author who has followed the perils for Western businesses in China for more than a decade, said the change in tone was part of a "new realism" toward China.

Joe Studwell,一个随同西方公司进入中国超过十年的作家说,实际上这种改变是中国“新现实主义”的一部分。

Businesses now understand, he said, that the "unspoken arrangement with China is coming unstuck." China is not opening its markets, nor is it allowing its currency to increase in value, as many had assumed it would.


Relations between China and world's business leaders, however, are still strong. Among the Fortune 500 companies, 480 have investments in China. There are 660,000 foreign companies represented in the country. Foreign direct investment, after wavering last year during the global financial crisis, seems to have rebounded, with an estimated $7 billion to $8 billion a month flowing into China. With its 8 percent growth rate in 2009 and more of the same predicted for this year, China remains one of the only bright spots in the relatively dim firmament of global business today.


And there are still Western business leaders who put a positive spin on the relationship.


Michael Barbalas, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, said his group's expanding profile reflects not a souring on China but a realization that political changes have mandated a more boisterous approach.

Michael Barbalas,北京美国商会主席说,他们商会的扩张考虑不会基于对中国的厌恶,而是基于认识到政治的改变正在以一种更加激烈的方式进行。

Ten years ago, for example, China allowed comments on very few, if any, of its laws. Last year it allowed foreign interests to comment on 300 pieces of legislation, he said.


"As China opens up these laws for comment, we found a lot of special interests speaking out," Barbalas said. "So we had to up our game."

“既然中国开放这些法律的评论,我们可以表达许多相关利益,” Barbalas说,“所以我们应该进行适应。”

Chinese officials insist the Google case is unrelated to the broader business climate here. After the Internet giant made its announcement Monday, Microsoft indicated that it would continue to "comply with the laws in every country in which we operate," disappointing human rights advocates.


In fact, no one expects another Google to confront China soon. But the Internet giant's willingness to do so is a sign of the times.


Meanwhile, how China treats Google going forward is widely viewed here as a test case. The government could force the firm out of China entirely, or it could allow Google to be a symbol of a new kind of relationship with Western companies -- one in which foreigners can do business here without feeling compelled to kowtow to the political system. Many analysts view the latter scenario as highly unlikely.


"Tactically, yelling at Google is unwise," said Rebecca MacKinnon, a visiting fellow at Princeton University's Center for Technology Policy. But "how they handle Google is either going to contribute to reassuring foreign companies that you can do business in a rational manner or to convincing them the regulatory environment is so politicized that you have to prove your loyalty."

“战术上来说,向google咆哮是不明智的,”普林斯顿大学技术政策中心访问学者Rebecca MacKinnon说,但是“他们怎样处理google,有助于使国外公司放心的以一种理性的方式做生意,或者使他们明白监管环境如此政治化而你必须证明你的忠诚。”

"If I were China on this case, I would declare victory," she added, "and then walk away."


Staff writer Ellen Nakashima in Washington contributed to this report.

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