
主题:这次唐骏被被爆是野鸡大学的博士 -- 离水

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家园 80位国际知名学者发公开信支持汪晖否认剽窃



3 月10日,汪晖写于20多年前的博士论文《反抗绝望》被指存在多处抄袭。7月7日《中国青年报》发表了包括汪丁丁、郑也夫、张鸣等在内的63位国内外学者的公开信,呼吁中国社会科学院和清华大学组织调查委员会调查。7月9日,哥伦比亚大学刘禾教授给凤凰网发来邮件,告知80多位海外学者曾联署签名信寄给了清华大学校长。在这封公开信中,80多位学者力挺汪晖,称通过学者举证发现任何剽窃都不存在!以下为刘禾教授发来的公开信说明及中英文版本。







首先,汪晖教授被指责抄袭。这个指控已经在钟彪、舒炜、魏行和其他学者的严谨分析文章中被辩驳,它是不足信的。在这封信上签字的也有汪晖教授著作的译者,他们无疑是最熟悉汪晖教授的写作的。每位译者都检查并且复查了汪教授在过去三十年中著作所采用大量参考书目的注释。他们当中没有一人发现有任何剽窃的现象- 不管我们多么宽松地定义剽窃这个词。









June 9, 2010

Dear President Gu Binglin and President Xie Weihe:

We write you as an international community of scholars, translators, editors, historians and cultural critics in support of Professor Wang Hui who is currently under attack from the popular media in China. This recent, baffling, organized media attack could happen to any scholar and for that reason we, the undersigned, present this letter.

First, Professor Wang has been accused of plagiarism. The charges have been contested and discredited in the careful analyses given by Zhong Biao, Shu Wei, Wei Xing and others. Among the signatories to this letter are also translators and they are without doubt closest to the work of Wang Hui. Each translator has checked and double checked all the footnotes in the vast bibliographies of Professor Wang's publications over the last thirty years. None has found any indication of plagiarism no matter how loosely this word is defined.

Second, among us are many Asia specialists in Chinese studies and we attest to Professor Wang's scholarly integrity and his importance in international Asian studies. The first Chinese scholar of Asia ever invited to address the Association of Asian Studies annual convention in spring 2010, Wang was honored for the breadth, depth and reliability of his scholarship and for the significance of the topics he has popularized among scholars and the many admirers and principled critics his work has attracted. This is recognition at the highest level possible among our community of scholarship. Wang Hui has influenced scholars in China and outside the country, speaking simultaneously to both constituencies and opening a bridge among us.

Third, media attacks on the universities during times of extreme social and economic transition are common. Many of us have witnessed media attacks and what they share is contempt for research and incomprehension of how university scholarship enriches everyday life, to say nothing of scientific, social scientific, humanistic and artistic social life. The university as an institution is weakened when unmotivated attacks from the media culture single out one scholar as a target: the next logical step is to attack the university itself.

Finally, when ordinary cultural politics inside the university are criminalized, the legitimacy of scholarship, higher education, experimental arts and human sciences is imperiled as well. The universities are effectively cancelled as central institutions of social development.

We, the undersigned are familiar with the known facts in this case and have read, taught, commented on the work of Professor Wang Hui critically and in a friendly fashion, or translated him.

We respectfully submit this letter,

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