
主题:美国WASP统治的衰落? -- 晨枫

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家园 hehe, 魁北克人,他们比Engligh Canadi

魁北克人,他们比Engligh Canadian更加亲美

--I am a bit surprised by this comment. I recently live in Quebec for a long period and interact with them (from Liberal party leaders to low-level working class people) day by day. You will be shocked to hear what they say about America.

I fully understand that Albertans do not like Quebecois due to their overreliance on the federal fiscal support, and I do not have nice comments regarding some of the lazy Quebecois, but your comment above is too shocking.


--in 19th century, it helped America to fend off European industrial products and built up it own manufacturing sector. Canada, under Sir John MacDonald, practised the same close-market policy and achieved the same target.


Do not listen to the blahblah talk about Free Trade. America-Canada rose to global economic power exactly due to its tariff protection against foreign industrial products at its infancy stage.


--America's global political dominance started with 开始于走出孤立主义 under FDR.


--hehe. They fell in the trap of the Anglo-Saxon-American nations and fought two costly war on the EuroAsia land. The wars depleted their manufacturing, financial, human resources and resulted in the collapse of their colonial control. Post-war US research labs were filled with talents from Europe: you see Jews finally lived in peace with German scientists...

保护主义 is a common practice used by France, Germany and British empire until 1950s. Each of them had their own sphere of influence and controlled market and each of them did most of import-export business with their colonial nations.

Today's Global Free Trade order was established by America by forcing France/Britain to dismantle all their spheres of influence. And China is still benefiting from this america-created order called WTO-GATT.

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