
主题:方舟子的轰然倒下 -- 鳕鱼邪恶

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家园 方舟子的专利

4. 索尔克生物研究院(Salk Institute)的专利律师(Patent Counsel)Sheila Kirschenbaum回复甘怀远同学邮件摘要:


“The patents are owned and controlled by the Salk Institute and a license from the Institute would be required to use the technology covered in the patents.”

“Perhaps Mr. Fang does not understand that as an employee of Salk, he was required to assign his rights to the Salk Institute per his employment agreement and Salk’s patent policy.”

Sheila Kirschenbaum联系方式:Tel: 858-453-4100 x1612, Mail: [email protected]

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