
主题:【转贴】The Very Best of Jacqueline Du Pre 珍爱杜普蕾 -- 雪个

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家园 病痛对大提琴家好像特别不公平

现在还在世的大提琴家里,Truls Mrk有我听过最好的声音,大提琴最迷人就是那绵长的旋律线,这点Mrk和du Pre一样,做得非常出色。但是最近一次听到他的新闻竟是这一条:

In April 2009, Mrk experienced an infection of the central nervous system, presumably caused by a tick bite he received in the United States in 2006, with subsequent encephalitis, and paralysis in the shoulder muscles of the left arm. In the autumn of 2009 he expressed concern that he might never be able to perform again.

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