主题:【纸上谈兵】有奖征集:陆战2团1营A连阻击战斗 -- 蓝色帝国
野战时,当然要和其它带机枪,榴弹发射器对付步兵的捍马一起出动互相掩护. 车载专门弹药箱里1个基数弹药是六发导弹. 违反安全操作手册,不怕危险, 塞满后箱和坐位带十二发也行. 不过伏击,游击为主的捍马带更多也没用.
are as follows:
Can be manpacked to obtain an advantageous
firing position not accessible while mounted,
but only for short distances due to the heavy
weight of the system.
Engagement of the maximum effective range
does not significantly decrease its accuracy.
Has a fire down munition that can penetrate a
vehicle’s armor at its thinnest point (on the top).
Contains a thermal sight that provides enhanced
capability at night and during limited visibility.
Does not lose power in direct proportion to the
engagement range.
The TOW’s limitations are as follows:
Employed in squads with two launchers at a
minimum so that the crews can provide mutual
Vulnerable to both direct and indirect fire; therefore,
cover and concealment are extremely important.
Large amount of backblast are produced,
which must be taken into consideration when
planning firing positions. Clearing the backblast
area of loose debris or watering the area
down can help reduce the signature.
Reduced range when firing over water obstacles.
Cannot fire on the move and the gunner must
keep his sights on the target throughout the
time of flight (14 to16 seconds to reach maximum
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🙂打个酱油,闪人~ 1 板砖黄 字624 2011-02-15 05:03:30
🙂标准答案呢? 迷途笨狼 字0 2011-02-13 00:20:27
🙂有个问题,一个陶式反坦克导弹班有几具发射器?几枚导弹? njyd 字24 2011-02-07 08:00:32
🙂一个车载班有两辆捍马, 各带一个发射器和三人小组.
🙂就是说两个班有四具发射器了, njyd 字158 2011-02-08 07:09:51
🙂是啊,这题的本意就是如何用捍马当装甲狙击手来辅助坦克。 三力思 字301 2011-02-08 08:50:01
🙂40mm榴弹好象不能确保击毁装甲车吧?这个俺也不清楚。 njyd 字340 2011-02-09 09:06:46
🙂就用我那个办法 1 szbd 字240 2011-02-09 09:23:12