主题:【IT动态】在64位 Linux 平台上,Intel和AMD那个更出色 -- Highway
刚刚看到一篇很有意思的评测,就是在64位Linux平台上,让AMD和Intel的最新64 位CPU直接“过招”,看看那个系统更为优秀。同时,为了参照,两种平台还都安装了32位的Linux。这样通过测试大家不仅仅可以对AMD和Intel这两种系统的性能有个横向的比较,同时还可以看出从32位移植到64位,系统是不是有什么大的性能上的提高。
测试的过程请参看 外链出处, 这里简单公布一下结果
In conclusion to all I've presented here, I want to talk about the value of these processors. When speaking about value, we can get bogged down in a lot of speculation about what's it worth to you versus how much money you have to spend on such things, etc. We're going to keep this on the level of, “what are you getting for your money with these processors?” First, when you look at my benchmarking results above, you'll see that the Pentium 4 only had two strong suits, it can encode video and it can run certain workstation graphics applications. Whether Intel processors for your Linux box makes sense, will depend on what percentage of the time you do either of these tasks. For the majority of people that say they do more of the other tasks presented here, Athlon 64 processors are really your only options. The Pentium 4 in most applications just does not have enough performance versus the competition. If you look at value, AMD gives you more performance, at the same price point, in more applications. It will also be easier to cool it using less expensive cooling methods and save you on energy costs. Looking at the two AMD options presented here, we see that you'll pay a premium for the top processor. This is normal, as you always pay a premium for the best. The Athlon 64 FX line does offer a large benefit though if you're an enthusiast interested in overclocking. The processor is multiplier unlocked which will give you greater flexibility when pushing the system to its max. I'll finish up with giving Intel a little credit. (I'm a positive guy by nature.) They do continue to add to their processors and try to improve them. This is being done not only through clock speed increases but also other features such as cache sizes and energy saving features such as Speedstep. This keeps their processors interesting and makes them valuable as a competitor to AMD.
[B]Right now, it just seems that AMD has a superior architecture and that Intel is going to have to make a pretty significant change to pass AMD in performance. The only thing that's on radar to heat things up a bit is dual-core processors. First to market with available chips and a solid platform will have a solid lead until the other company's chips surface. I'll keep on it and once I see it, you'll hear about it.[/B]
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😭【IT动态】在64位 Linux 平台上,Intel和AMD那个更出色
个人认为64bit performance不是关键 水帘洞主 字304 2005-03-02 18:12:19
也是这么觉得。到了现在这个份上,速度都够快了。 铁手 字110 2005-03-04 19:16:23
😄这是个负责的同志。在你的古董机器上都能顺畅运行的网站界面, 请尽量 字26 2005-03-04 21:43:38
😄我的机器难道已经那么土了么?有时候玩DIABLO也还行啊。 铁手 字0 2005-03-05 14:15:00
在普通应用上,我觉得CPU已经不是关键了 参学 字205 2005-03-08 04:31:48
Intel的市场地位,M$有不小的功劳 孤子 字1447 2005-03-03 23:10:22
照现在软件的发展趋势,32位很快就要不够了。主要的问题倒 请尽量 字24 2005-03-02 21:12:06