
主题:【讨论】日本核灾难最新更新 -- 井底望天

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家园 万万不可!


I was at the dissolution ceremony there, may be around '96. The monks gathered up all the sand from the Mandala at 1WTC, put it in a vase, then carried it across the bridge into World Financial Center through the Winter Garden, then dumped the sand ceremoniously into the Hudson River for the sake of World Peace. The surface of the river glittered with the afternoon sun, and I cried. 5 years later, the whole building is gone, just like the sand Mandala.


我当时也在降解仪式上,大概是96年。喇嘛们把所有的来自一号楼曼荼罗的沙都搜集起来,放入一个瓶子里面,然后把瓶子通过冬园(the Winter Garden)带过通向世界金融中心的桥,然后郑重地把沙倾入哈德逊大河之中,祈求世界和平。当时河面上闪烁着午日阳光的光芒,我不由得哭了。五年以后,整座大楼都消失了,就象沙曼荼罗一样。”

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