
主题:谈谈最近的高速路救狗事件 -- 莫问前程

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家园 吃腐肉和不吃腐肉的明显界限

是能否应对腐肉中的肉毒素. 相比之下, 杂食/肉食/草食在生物构造上的界限就不那么清晰. 所以, 很多杂食性的动物究竟归为哪一类, 可以按照它们的主要食物来源来划分.


scavenger, also called Carrion-feeder, African white-backed vultures (Gyps africanus) feeding on a gnu carcass, Maasai Mara … [Credit: Magnus Kjaergaard]animal that feeds partly or wholly on the bodies of dead animals. Many invertebrates, such as carrion beetles, live almost entirely on decomposing animal matter. The burying beetles actually enter the dead bodies of small animals before feeding on them underground.

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