
主题:【原创】从李安《卧虎藏龙》的成功看张艺谋的江湖失意 -- 玉壶冰心

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家园 I donot even think he is imitating. He simply found a good entry point

To impress the international movie market, and he did impressed, (like it or not )

Plus, an real creative person never settle for ONE style. The creativity resides in self-challenging, and the need to find new way to express oneself, and in Zhang's case, to impress and profit.

How many style did Picasso have?

I am by no means a fan of Zhang as of now, and I have trashed his movie far more times than I would like, but I recognize his choice and admire his quality of work.

Sooner or later, he will find another way to impress and profit. Which could be something I donot like again.

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