
主题:成为工资税的个税为什么不大幅调整! -- 亲华

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家园 social security is an

implicit income redistribution scheme or a legitimate Robinhood robbery. It is sponsored by the government so that the social bottom class can survive with gov. transfer payment.

Any up middle class or top 5% class member in any society is going to support their own retirement. Government is using legal means to rob those "top cream" to fund the bottom 5%, same scheme in Europe, UK, US and Canada.

Think about all your overpayment as a "ransom" to a "harmonious society /he xie she hui". Without your random, you can never live in peace-- you will live in China between 1945-1949.

That's why when my marginal income rate is so high here in North America, I still bite the bullet and do not complain: it is a necessary evil so that the country will not be subject to constant "revolutions". With those social ransom, I can walk on the boulevard in middle night without fear and panic.

Of course, if your gov. embazzle those money for other use, then it is totally a different story.

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