
主题:读史有感(奥本海默) -- texasredneck

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家园 你这个历史描述可能有些地方有问题


Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist, was persecuted by his countrymen for alleged lack of zeal in developing the H-bomb. His martyrdom was traumatic for the American scientific community as well as for himself and it cast doubt on the possibility of ever arresting the headlong development of new weapons. Equally significant, though less publicized, was Oppenheimer's change of mind, even before his 'trial', in favour of the super-bomb when a much improved design emerged. 'Sweet and lovely and beautiful,'he judged the new idea (Davis, 1968). It was so technically sweet it had to be tried.

Davis, Nuel Pharr, Lawrence and Oppenheimer. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1968.

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