
主题:【原创】爱与宽容――一篇关于同性恋的旧文 -- 淡淡微风

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家园 Tolerance, according to the United Nations

Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, is "the virtue that makes peace possible; it is the responsibility that upholds human rights, pluralism (including cultural pluralism), democracy, and the rule of law."

UNESCO declares,

"The practice of tolerance does not mean toleration of social injustice or the abandonment or weakening of one's convictions. It means that one is free to adhere to one's own convictions and accepts that others adhere to theirs. It means accepting the fact that human beings, naturally diverse in their appearance, situation, speech, behaviour and values, have the right to live in peace and to be as they are. It also means that one's views are not to be imposed on others."


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