
主题:请教各位老大 -- 林木森森

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家园 请教各位老大

我有个Dell Inspiron 8500,大部分时间我用wireless connection.最近,最近遇到个问题,请各位老大指教:

wireless connection has been fine, 但是忽然不能用wired connection. the NIC 不能连到router,不管是用dhcp还是设定internal ip manually,就是不能连到router.


1.router is working fine. i have two desktops and my mac lap which are connecting to router just fine. so i would say router is working ok.

2.i checked the cable i used to plug in inspiron 8500, it should be ok. i used one of cables which connects one of desktops to the router sucessfully to the inspiron, it didn't work. this test just makes sure the cable i used to connect inspiron 8500 is good one.

3. in windows environment on inspiron 8500, i updated NIC driver(broadcom 4401 on board NIC is used on inspiron 8500) to 4.28. i checked "device manager", it had no conflict. also i checked the NIC properties, it showd the device is working properly.

4.i manually set internal ip, gateway, dns for the NIC, used "ipconfig /all" to see that it did get all the settings. somehow "ipconfig /release" didn't release the dynamic ip if dhcp is used to get ip/dns dynamically.

5.i run boardcom diagnosis util, it failed the "network test", but it passed internal diagnosis.

6.i restarted the inspiron with boot option "boot onboard NIC", it failed.

the problem seemed that NIC is ok, but didn't connect to router somehow and couldn't listen dhcp.

我的判断是broadcom on board NIC is broken.估计是要换主板。不过,请各位老大给诊断诊断,省得我这个蒙古大夫诊断出错。看来,戴尔得质量还是有问题,不如IBM,更不如Apple.先谢过各位老大。

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