
主题:【原创】方舟子与转基因的安全 -- 花大熊

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家园 GMO=转基因?美国FDA不允许非转基因标注?

有位朋友问我美国是否允许非转基因标注?我一查,还真有意思:美国FDA规定,禁止"non-GMO"/"GMO-Free"/"biotech-free"(GMO=转基因)等标注 http://t.cn/h40kqC ---原因是几乎所有的农作物多多少少都含转基因成分。但是例如"not genetically engineered"的标志可以使用,如下图。真是够复杂的



The term "GMO free" may be misleading on most foods, because most foods do not contain organisms (seeds and foods like yogurt that contain microorganisms are exceptions). It would likely be misleading to suggest that a food that ordinarily would not contain entire "organisms" is "organism free."


Consumers assume that "free" of bioengineered material means that "zero" bioengineered material is present. Because of the potential for adventitious presence of bioengineered material, it may be necessary to conclude that the accuracy of the term "free" can only be ensured when there is a definition or threshold above which the term could not be used. FDA does not have information with which to establish a threshold level of bioengineered constituents or ingredients in foods for the statement "free of bioengineered material."


Consumers also expressed some preference for the term "biotechnology" over such terms as "genetic modification" and "genetic engineering" (Ref. 1).

人家只不过是不建议你用GM或者GMO来代表转基因技术而已,但是你可以用biotechnology或者Genetically engineered来代表转基因。


"We do not use ingredients that were produced using biotechnology;"

"This oil is made from soybeans that were not genetically engineered;" or

"Our tomato growers do not plant seeds developed using biotechnology."


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