主题:不经念叨,附水果教主2005年斯坦福毕业典礼上的演讲译文 -- 海子

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家园 把视频补充的完整一些,包括一个和比尔盖茨的

Jobs 在 2005斯坦福毕业典礼 上的讲话。


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together (1)


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together (2)


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together (3)


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together (4)


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together (5)


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together (6)


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together (7)


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together (8)


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together (9)


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together (10)


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together (11)


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