
主题:【文摘】中国仿制最成功的非正常渠道获得的装备 -- 兵部尚书

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家园 MK-46 (Info from USA-side)


page 6 "Cooperation in the Cold War in the 1980s"


In 1984, U.S. policymakers worked to advance discussions on military technological cooperation with China.

There were commercial sales to the PLA that included Sikorsky Aircraft’s sale of 24 S-70C transport helicopters (an unarmed version of the Black Hawk helicopter) and General Electric’s sale of five gas turbine engines for two naval destroyers.

Between 1985 and 1987, the United States also agreed to four programs of government-to-government Foreign Military Sales (FMS): modernization of artillery ammunition production facilities; modernization of avionics in F-8 fighters; sale of four Mark-46 anti- submarine torpedoes; and sale of four AN/TPQ-37 artillery-locating radars.

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