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主题:西方,西方媒体,中国,俄国,智者。 -- CaoMeng
Shock Therapy
The decline of the Soviet system mirrored the of other great historical empires –from Persia and Rome to the Hapsburgs and the Ottomans: all were characterized by the inability of an all-powerful centre to micro-manage an increasingly complex and diversified periphery while containing the inevitable centrifugal forces.
Gorbachev’s misguided attempt at stepwise reform of the socialist system – gradually loosening political control while maintaining tight command over the economy – was an objective lesson in how not to reform.
戈尔巴乔夫错误地改造社会主义的企图步骤 – 慢慢放松政治掌握一边继续紧抓计划经济 – 是一个客观的不该整么样改革的课程。
Unlike China, which allowed the gradual development of a parallel private economy under the ridged political oversight of the Communist Party, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dismantling of its command structure amounted to simply ripping out the control unit, allowing the decerebrated body to reorganize itself as best it could in what was to become a grotesque parody of Adam Smith liberalism.
The economic systems of our developed countries function not in some stellar vacuum based on the abstract, mechanical workings of free-market dynamics, but rather within a framework developed over decades if not centuries: an extensive body of legislation,business practices, regulatory bodies, and most vitally, a complex system of checks and balances against the depredations of unconstrained capital – a robust civil society, political parties representing competing economic interests, labour unions, a relatively independent judiciary and in the best of cases, a diverse (if not precisely “free”) press.
我们发达国家的经济系统不是在一些星际真空中根据抽象,机械的自由市场动态原则来发挥作用的, 而是运行于一个通过了几十年如果不是几百年发展起来的框架中: 一个丰富的机构包括法规,商业惯例,监管机构,然后最重要的,一个复杂的用于对不受约束的掠夺资本的制衡系统-一个强大的民间社会,代表各派经济利益竞争的各党派政党,工会,一个比较独立的司法机构和在最佳环境中,一个多元化(如果不是真正地“自由”)的媒体。
Russia, of course, had none of these. Soviet legislation was grotesquely unsuited for the workings of a liberal economy.
俄国,当然,没有任何这些东西。 苏联的法规是完全不能对付一个自由经济的运作的。
The press was openly controlled by a handful of oligarchs, with journalists bought and sold like cattle. Government regulators were ineffective in the best of cases, available for rental in the remainder.
Political parties served the economic interests of their owners.
By the middle of the decade, a small group of men had – by means fair or foul – succeeded in gaining control of the only truly value-accretive sectors of the Soviet economy, the natural resources exporters, while creating a banking system which lived by parasitizing the State.
在这10年的中期(草蜢注:指90年代中期), 一小帮男人-通过正常和非正常手段-成功地掌握了苏联经济中唯一价值增值部分,自然资源出口,同时创建了一个扮演国家寄生虫角色的银行机构。
In the absence of any substantial countervailing powers, the oligarchs could buy, bribe, or upon occasion, shoot away any attempts at constraint – only after the inevitable crisis, with the rise of Vladimir Putin, was there to be a counterforce powerful enough to break the political stranglehold of the oligarchy.
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🙂作者非常犀利!您的翻译功不可没! 黄河清 字10 2011-11-05 08:06:38
🙂廉价坐位上的啦啦队 118 CaoMeng 字6576 2011-11-05 01:08:20
🙂花辛苦的翻译,翻译真不是普通人干得了的活 1 桥上 字0 2011-11-05 07:27:20
🙂如果当初苏联没有采用跟中国相反的改革方法 xiaobailong 字443 2011-11-11 18:07:42
🙂基本上不会出现这样的情况。最大的原因是苏共的文化思想没有 7 天煞穆珏 字270 2011-11-11 21:28:27
🙂这么说中国也很危险啊。70年是个关口? xiaobailong 字0 2011-11-11 21:49:21
🙂我怎么觉得你说的情况跟中国几乎没有任何区别? 2 子承父业汪文轼 字147 2011-11-11 21:41:47