
主题:【原创】久等半年的机会终于临近----黄金!黄金! -- JACK船长

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家园 世界黄金存量和每年产量


Highlights: 存量10万亿美元黄金,每年增加1600亿美元的黄金供应(以$1800/盎司计)。

Each year, the world produces 2500 tonnes, equivalent to 160 billion US$ at$1800/ounce.

2500 Ton/year = 88888889 ounce (8.9E7 ounce) ==》 $1800 * 8.9E7 ounce = $160B/year

Total gold value in the world = 165,000 Ton = 10.56 trillion.

It has been estimated that all the gold mined by the end of 2009 totaled 165,000 tonnes.[2] At a price of US$1900/oz., reached in September 2011, one tonne of gold has a value of approximately US$60.8 million. The total value of all gold ever mined would exceed US$9.2 trillion at that valuation.[note 1] (From wikipedia.com: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_reserve)



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