主题:【原创】关于 Windows 的 挂起,休眠,和关机 -- landkid
Java 5.0为了加快JVM载入,使用了类似的技术。把JVM类型的Class内存Dump到硬盘上,下次从Disk上直接Load Memory image file,速度有不小的提高。
A state in which your computer consumes less power when it is idle, but remains available for immediate use. While your computer is on standby, information in computer memory is not saved on your hard disk. If there is an interruption in power, the information in memory is lost.
A state in which your computer shuts down after saving everything in memory on your hard disk. When you bring your computer out of hibernation, all programs and documents that were open are restored to your desktop.
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😄我刚才看了一下 雪个 字189 2005-04-08 22:13:38
😉“冬眠”和关机一样。不需要任何电力了。 1 Highway 字365 2005-04-08 22:28:46
😄知道了。准备试些日子看看效果 雪个 字0 2005-04-08 22:31:25
说的不错。Hibernate后从外形上看和shut down一样。
😄这个好。台式机怎么弄啊? 雪个 字88 2005-04-08 20:52:08
机器如果比较新,都支持Hibernate, Highway 字116 2005-04-08 21:20:09
landkid这个休眠方法好 宁子 字218 2005-04-08 20:03:47
😁那我要经常休眠了 老叶 字0 2005-04-08 17:38:10