主题:【原创】KODAK 这下可乐啦! -- raindrops
共:💬20 🌺2
The Leica Digilux 2 was developed in conjunction with Panasonic who have their own version of the camera which has a black body with a molded hand grip, some plastic controls, carries the Panasonic name but is otherwise identical. The most amazing difference is the price, the Panasonic being some $300 cheaper.
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抵制日货本来就是应该政府干的,小民赚个钱不容易 平头百姓 字88 2005-04-10 15:06:45
比比远景+夜景吧,我在 D.C. Resource 看到两张图片: raindrops 字370 2005-04-09 23:16:34
😉Leica的数码相机其实并不是那么好。同样的价钱,能买到更好的东西。 Highway 字108 2005-04-09 22:38:23
Leica Digilux 2 vs. Panasonic DMC LC-1