主题:【文摘】将hotmail邮箱升级到 25M 的方法(只针对国内用户) -- 大卫
Dear MSN Member,
Recently, Hotmail® announced that in order to improve customer experience and reduce spam and junk e-mail abuse on MSN® services, Hotmail will no longer allow new e-mail accounts to be accessed via Microsoft® Office Outlook® and Outlook Express.
We are pleased to inform you that because you are an existing and valued customer, at this time your current Hotmail and MSN account(s) are exempt from this restriction and you will be able to continue enjoying access to those accounts from Outlook or Outlook Express. However, any new Hotmail or MSN accounts you create will not be accessible via Outlook or Outlook Express.
Because you actively use Outlook or Outlook Express to access one or more of your MSN Hotmail or MSN e-mail accounts, this could be the ideal time to consider subscribing to our powerful new
e-mail service - Microsoft Office Outlook Live.
As an Outlook Live subscriber, not only can you get uninterrupted access to your MSN e-mail accounts from Outlook, but you will also enjoy many other benefits.
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【文摘】将hotmail邮箱升级到 25M 的方法(只针对国内用户) 2 大卫 字2230 2005-04-12 10:10:57
我的经验:各有得失 wsxx 字636 2005-04-13 05:41:39
不是这样的 参学 字254 2005-04-13 07:36:31
nod 我收到过这封email
你说的更可能正确,但我不敢拿我的老2M去升级25M了 wsxx 字125 2005-04-14 00:38:48
哈哈,开放使用客户端是比较难了 参学 字86 2005-04-14 00:42:58
😄我的也是从2G回到了250M 雪个 字0 2005-04-13 14:49:48
请问新注册用户是指什么时候以后注册的用户 1 不存在 字0 2005-04-13 12:36:45